The meaning of life in one word?
Well, sort of …
• Matter
• It matters
• What matters
• Mattering – you matter
Well, sort of …
• Matter
• It matters
• What matters
• Mattering – you matter
• YouTube > University of Queensland > Denial101x: Making Sense of Climate Science Denial > FLICC – The Techniques of Science Denial Part 1 (Mar 9, 2020)
And then the worldly context of any discourse:
It was a time of hope, it was a time of fear,
it was an age of science, it was an age of ignorance,
it was an epoch of climate change, it was an epoch of disbelief,
it was a period of dreams, it was a period of politics,
it was a spring of recovery, it was a season of collapse (1)
The notion that the battles of prior generations are “won” for the next – just doesn’t happen. The battles over civil rights, women’s rights, … realizing the dream of the Constitution. A long slog, a forever journey. An evolution of minds, hearts, … and habits.
And sometimes conflicts are not so much won as just left behind by succeeding generations (without necessarily any linear progress either).
Continue reading Generational battles“If there are two sides to every argument – or, more to the point, if there are people willing to take up two sides to every argument – they both must be right or, at least, equally valid.” (1)
So, on any particular subject or topic, there may be two or more opinions. Today I’d trust that no one (hmm) believes that the earth is flat (2); so, let’s rule that out as subject to opinion.
Continue reading Two sides to every argument?“Religion is in the box where science used to be. Politics is on the shelf where you thought you left science the previous afternoon. Entertainment seems to have been knocked over and spilled on everything.” – Charles P. Pierce, Idiot America (2009). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
This 2012 episode of Moyers & Company is a useful take on the political culture of our times. Narratives “about fairness, capitalism, American history.” Moral foundations. Karma. Nuance. Why we’re all really good lawyers. The role of myths and fables. Fairness versus compassion. What the proper role of government is and is not.
And a call for two shared norms: ending demonization and cleaning up corruption.
Continue reading Up is down, down is up