- This Psychology Today article poses an interesting question regarding storytelling and sense of meaning. Is there a relationship between skill at storytelling and sense of meaning & purpose in life? Might workshopping that with an AI help or harm one's […]
- Regarding my statement that: We need a renewed sense of common purpose, an overarching social ethic highlighting interdependence rather than ascendance. • LA Times > Opinion > "Where does resilience come from?" by Lucy Jones (1-11-2025) – We need 'social […]
- Here's Torrance Memorial's take on the 'recipe' for a long, healthy life. • Torrance Memorial > Advantage > Healthy Living Over 55 > "Living Longer & Thriving" (Issue #34 Winter 2025) – Tips for Blue Zone living. The Blue Zone […]
- Here's another perspective on praise, pride, and purpose in the achievement-driven American dream. • Psychology Today > "Choosing Wonder Over Achievements: A New Year's Mindset Shift" by Jessica Del Pozo, Ph.D. (Being Awake Better), reviewed by Monica Vilhauer Ph.D. (December […]
- "the American dream and nightmare" This book [1] review reminded me of another cardinal characterization of the American psyche, another homage to Ben Franklin's influence on our culture. Namely, a singular shared ideology (mythic common ground) that hard work (sweat […]
- Using fear to grab our attention and amplify tribal dividing lines is an old political tactic. Politically we've been a "50-50" country for some time. But, as this article notes, the extremes of the last 20 years or so have […]
- In a recent discussion about storycraft, a friend shared his copy of the book Wicked (1995), which he'd started to read. I'd followed articles about the play (2003) and film (2024); and downloaded the Kindle sample. That's connected with threads […]
- Just in time for the holidays, here're some tips for a happy brain, not just holiday highs. • Forbes > "10 Habits To Prevent ‘Brain Rot’ And Create A Smart Brain In 2025" by Bryan Robinson, Ph.D., Contributor, author of […]
- So, this LA Times article (noted below) clarifies something that I've wondered about: the retreat by evangelicals from progressive causes in the 20th century and evangelicals' politicization in the 21st century. Terms • Millennialism – a religious belief that a […]
- Not to be outdone, Merriam-Webster announced their word of the year, which comes closer to my personal word of the year. • LA Times 12-10-2024 > "Merriam-Webster deems ‘polarization’ word of the year" by Anna Furman "Polarization means division, but […]